
Cambridge journals

Oct 27, 2022

Access address:http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displaySpecialPage?pageId=3092&archive=3092

Introduction to Cambridge Journal Backtracking Library 2011:

Cambridge University Press digitised all the past volumes of all the Cambridge journals available, going back to the first issue of the first volume. The Cambridge Journal Backtracking Library with high quality, convenient retrieval and rich content was born from this. Cambridge Journal Electronic Backtracking Library combines historical data with the latest technology, making it easier to use.

The "Cambridge Journal Retrospective Database" contains 207 kinds of excellent academic journals, and the retrospective time span is from 1770 to 1996. Among them, 158 current journals were included by SCI/SSCI/AHCI (JCR2010), accounting for 76.3%. The contents of humanities and social sciences in the Cambridge Journal 2011 Backtracking Library are about 2331003 pages (56.5%), and the contents of natural sciences are about 1796932 pages (43.5%), totaling 4358176 pages.

In the retrospective library of Cambridge journals, there are 76 scientific and technological journals and 131 humanities and social sciences journals, most of which are disciplines with long half-life, so the retrospective data is of higher value.

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